The Timor Leste EITI, represented by National Coordinator Ms. Emilia dos Santos de Jesus, participated in the EITI National Coordinators Meeting 2024 on June 17-18 in Geneva, Switzerland. The in-person segment commenced with welcome remarks from EITI Executive Director Mark Robinson and followed by a review of the agenda an overview of the 2023 EITI Standard, aligning it with global priorities.

Key sessions focused on multi-stakeholder governance, domestic resource mobilization, anti-corruption reforms, EITI’s role in the energy transition, and civic space and natural resource governance. A breakout session on sustainable EITI implementation concluded the first day.

The second day included a panel on global shifts in the extractive sector and sessions on enhancing EITI implementation based on survey results. The meeting ended with regional and thematic discussions, presentations, and closing remarks.

The Implementing Countries Meeting served as a crucial platform for addressing EITI challenges and future directions, promoting peer learning and collaboration among participating countries and stakeholders. (Photos)