Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources through TL-EITI Secretariat organized two days (August, 26th -27th, 2024) Capacity Building to Civil Society Organization (CSO) included TL-EITI Secretariat’s sfaffs which held in Ermera Municipality, Railaco sub-district, Liho village, with the topic as following  “Formasaun mak dalan Transformasaun ba ONG sira, atu promove transparénsia no Akontabilidade Sosiál iha Timor-Leste“

Civil Society Organization has an important roles to exercise their function based on the EITI requirement (1.3). Therefore the government continue it’s commitment and take an effort to conduct Capacity Building for CSO in accordance with the EITI requirement  (7.1c V). The objective is to enchance their knowledges that are related to the extractive industries issues such as Legal Framework (requirement 2.1) fully met, Contract and License Allocation (requirement 2.2), Product Sharing  Contract (requirement 2.4) progress mostly meet with the score 60 as indicated in validation assessment result and also the new 2023 EITI Standard.

In the future Civil Society Organization  will more effectively in order to compliance with the new 2023 EITI standard. The objective of this Capacity Building is also to introduce new 2023 EITI standard which covered four additional changes (Energy Transition, Anti Coruption, Gender Equity, & Strengthen revenue collection), also to enhance CSO knowledge in extractive industries and lastly to strengthen their ability in analyzing data of revenue collection, volume production, employee force (in the validation assessment result and TL-EITI report).

These two days activities were officially opened by Joanico Mendonca as National Director of MPRM (Represent Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources), Local government (Railaco sub-district- Liho village and Police officer also take a part.

Total participants in these two days activities of Capacity Building consist of 20 participants from CSO members and 35 participants TL-EITI Secretariat’s staffs

Majorities of the speakers are member of the Multi-Stakeholder Working Group (TL-MSWG):

They Are:

  1. Simao Pereira
  2. Alberto Menezes
  3. Moises Feliciano Soares
  4. Estevanu Coli
  5. Sabina Seac