Community Meeting organized by Civil Society from CGT members in Ermera & Viqueque Municipality
Secretariat TL-EITI attended community meeting organized by Civil Society from Core Group Transparency (CGT) in Ermera Municipality (Lauala on 11/21/2024 and Poetete on 11/22/2024) and Viqueque Municipality (Uaia Kraik 12/18/2024 and Caraubalu on 12/19/2024) with the...
Capacity Building for CSO and TL-EITI Staffs
Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources through TL-EITI Secretariat organized two days (August, 26th -27th, 2024) Capacity Building to Civil Society Organization (CSO) included TL-EITI Secretariat’s sfaffs which held in Ermera Municipality, Railaco sub-district,...
Dissemination of TL-EITI Report 2020 in Municipality Manufahi (October 5,2023)
The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, through the Secretariat Timor-Leste Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (TL-EITI), together with the Multi Stakeholder Group – (composed by the Government, civil society and Extractive companies), held on...
Dissemination of TL-EITI Report 2020 in Municipality Lospalos (September,21,2023)
The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, through the Secretariat Timor-Leste Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (TL-EITI), together with the Multi Stakeholder Group – (composed by the Government, civil society and Extractive companies), held on...
Result of Implementation EITI in Timor-Leste showing that achieve fairly low score
This decision had made by EITI Board member on 25 April 2023. ( Timor-Leste has achieved a fairly low score in implementing the 2019 EITI Standard with the total score 58 points. The overall score for three components consists...
Desiminasaun Relatoriu TL-EITI 2019
Ministerio do Petróleo e Minerais liu hosi Secretariadu Timor-Leste Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (TL-EITI) organiza“Desiminasaun Relatóriu TL-EITI (2019) ”iha loron 28-29 Setembru 2022 iha NGO (FONGTIL). Ida ne’e mak relatóriu da2 adere tuir...