The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, through the Secretariat Timor-Leste Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (TL-EITI), constantly with Multi Stakeholder Group – (composed by the Government, civil society and Extractive companies), held on May 15, 2024 a workshop to disseminate 2021 TL-EITI report in Municipality Baucau (Laga).it was broadcast in Timor post and RTTL.

The dissemination of this report is intended In order to respond recommendation found during validation particularly in related to requirement 7.1 therefore MSG have decided to carry out this dissemination in Municipality Baucau (123 km from Dili)

This is the fourth report produced by Independent Administrator, Ernst & Young Audit & Associados – SROC, SA in accordance with the EITI Standard 2019, total revenue received by government $ 729, there are 27 operators (include subsidiaries) and 16 subcontractors on scope that have reported for this report.

The report contains contextual information that provide comprehensive regulatory framework, tax regime, overview of extractive industries oil, gas and mining, reconciliation of tax and other payments, Beneficial Ownership (BO), social & economic expenditure, and the recommendation .

9th Constitutional Government continue committed to this initiative as outline in program table 4.3. Petroleum and Mineral Resources Section 4.3.4. Development of the Southern Coastal Zone

Over 150 participants attended this workshop consist of Local Government, Community leaders, political parties, private sector, civil society organization, students, youth and religious (photos)

The activity began with the presentation by:

  1. Sandra M de F. da Cruz, National Directorate for Petroleum and Minerals Revenue (Presentation)
  2. Fernando de Carvalho, Chief Account BCTL (presentation)
  3. Januario Amaral de Jesus, Plataforma Nasional Bee Saneamento no Ijiene Timor-Leste (presentation)
  4. Jimmy Brem Soares, Technical Officer TL-EITI (Presentation)
  5. Luis Martins, TIMOR GAP (Presentation)
  6. Florencio Sanches, Executive Director SERVE (presentation)